Hello, I am a New England based author and illustrator. I love sharing stories that stretch the imagination. My creative journey has taken me from a degree in Visual Communication at the University of Kansas to ... Illustrating humorous greeting cards at Hallmark Cards, Inc. in Kansas City, Art shows in NY, Illustrating from an adobe casa in Albuquerque, NM, Marrying and moving to a mountain cabin in Boulder, CO, Parenting a pirate, Creating costumes and stage sets, Serving as resident artist for my Massachusetts church, and Writing and illustrating tall tales while wandering the country in a campervan. I'm thrilled to be represented by Sera Rivers, Speilburg Literary Agency. Thanks for checking out my website! Honors:
2024 Finalist in PBParty Illustrator Showcase Shows: June 5 - 28, 2024: Five illustrations accepted into the SCBWI New England Gallery Exhibit July 22 - August 31, 2020: Two illustrations accepted into HopArts juried online Art Exhibit "About What's Going On" May 20, 2018: "Picture a Story" SCBWI New England Illustrators Show Member: SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) The Writers' Loft 12x12 Challenge |